
Help Center


1. General questions

1.1. What makes millio so unique and how does the app benefit me?

The first app to fully and natively integrate your online banking with Salesforce. What it means: With millio you can connect your German and Austrian bank to your Salesforce and access all your business accounts. You can manage all your online banking from within your Salesforce environment.

millio not only saves you a lot of time. It automates and optimises your financial tasks overnight.

1.2. How do I know if millio is the right solution for me?

You use Salesforce or plan to do so soon?
You have bank accounts in Germany or Austria?
You also want to make your banking and payment processes more efficient?
You want to automate the allocation of invoices and transactions in the future?
You want to keep track of your financial situation, preferably in Salesforce?

Then millio is exactly the right solution for your company.

2. Requirements & Download

2.1. What Salesforce versions do I need to be able to use millio?

Since millio is a Salesforce application, millio requires the use of a Salesforce Platform Edition or Salesforce Sales Cloud Enterprise Edition. Higher Sales Cloud editions are also supported.

2.2. How can I integrate millio into my Salesforce interface?

  1. Find millio here in the AppExchange.
  2. Log in to the Salesforce AppExchange with your credentials.
  3. Download the full version of millio. When you are on the installation page, select "Administrators only". This selection is required, otherwise non-authorized users can get access to your data!
  4. Click Install and confirm the message "Yes, grant access to these third-party sites". As part of the installation, release must be granted to address different interfaces.

In our documentation you will also find all the necessary steps to install and configure millio so you can start using it right away.

2.3. What happens after the download in the AppExchange?

After downloading millio from the AppExchange, your app needs to be configured and set up so you can use it right away.

You have two options here: You can easily configure millio yourself using the instructions in our documentation, or you can get support from your internal IT department.

You can also contact us and we will help you set up millio. This service takes one hour and is free of charge! Simply contact us via the contact form or by email to

2.4. How soon can I use millio after downloading it?

millio is ready for use immediately after configuration! How much time the configuration takes depends somewhat on your technical skills, but as a rule it takes a maximum of 30 minutes to configure millio.

You can find instructions on how to configure millio in our documentation. Or simply contact us and we will help you with the setup - for one hour and completely free of charge!

2.5. How and in which rhythm do I receive updates?

If an update of millio is planned, you will in any case be informed several times beforehand by e-mail. However, we cannot yet give you an exact time or rhythm.

2.6. Does millio support the EBICS or the HBCI procedure?

millio only supports the use of the HBCI (FinTS) standard and unfortunately not the EBICS procedure. Authentication of the app is therefore only possible via a TAN.

If you are currently using the EBICS procedure but would still like to use millio, you can also apply for the HBCI procedure at your bank. If you then want to use millio to make transfers that can only be approved by certain persons (groups), this can be defined directly in Salesforce with the help of rights settings and thus an additional approval step can be integrated.

3. Functions & Usage

3.1. Which banks and payment service providers can I integrate with millio?

You can integrate accounts from almost all German and Austrian banks into your Salesforce system. This applies to current, savings and call money accounts, credit cards and securities accounts. You can also integrate some payment service providers, such as PayPal, into your account overview.

If you want to integrate banks from other countries in the SEPA area, simply contact us at and we will check whether it is possible to integrate your desired bank.

3.2. Can I view accounts from other foreign banks in millio?

finAPI currently only supports the integration of certain international banks, including banks from Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Other international bank connections cannot be integrated without further ado - at least at the present time.

However, a special connection is possible in principle, but it involves additional costs and enormous development work. You need a specific bank account that you want to map in millio? Please contact us and we will find out what is possible.

3.3. Can I use millio to make transfers abroad?

Our interface expert finAPI currently only supports payments in the SEPA area in euros. This means that only one euro payment can be made to a foreign currency account within the SEPA area.

You can find out which countries are included in the SEPA area here.

3.4. Can I collect direct debits with millio?

Yes, with millio you can also organise the collection of direct debits automatically and regularly. For this, you need the IBAN, the BIC and a valid SEPA direct debit mandate from the payer.

3.5. Can I also access millio and my accounts from my cell phone?

Yes, you can also access your business accounts via millio on the go using the Salesforce app, so you always have an overview of your finances - no matter where you are.

3.6. Can I define which employees in my company have access to millio?

Yes, you can and must assign usage rights to Salesforce users during installation. You decide which employees or users these are.You can also determine the extent to which the users can access millio. For this purpose, you can define millio admins and millio users.

millio admins have full administrative access to all areas of the app. millio users, on the other hand, only have user access to account transaction data, payments and direct debits.

In our documentation you will find detailed instructions on how to assign rights to your users under point 2.2 Assignment of user rights.

3.7. Can I personalize the app for my business needs?

millio is not in itself an individual solution. Nevertheless, it shows the strength of a Salesforce-native app. You can take advantage of all the links and dependencies of your Salesforce objects.

This gives you the opportunity to customise millio to a certain extent, for example, when it comes to the degree of automation of certain processes, procedures or dependencies of objects.

3.8. Does millio replace my accounting software?

millio is an app that gives you direct access to your bank accounts in your Salesforce CRM and allows you to handle all your online banking in your Salesforce interface.

millio is therefore currently not a replacement for your accounting system, but the perfect addition to make your banking processes more efficient.

3.9. I use another third-party app that accesses finAPI. What do I need to consider?

In this case, the restriction applies that there can only be one valid consent per PIN/TAN contract and per third-party service provider (i.e. finapi). If a new consent is created, the old consent loses its validity, which means that if you use two service provider apps that work via finapi, they withdraw each other's access rights. This was regulated as part of the PSD2 regulation.

Solutions would then be:

  • If there is a second online banking user, authorisation could be granted in the different systems via the different users, as the restriction applies per PIN/TAN contract and third-party provider.
  • If there is also an EBICS interface (e.g. at Datev), this can be used as an alternative for automated transaction requests.
  • Manual queries are possible via FinTS as well as XS2A independently of this, if necessary with TAN entry.

4. Licenses & Payment

4.1. Can I test millio beforehand?

You can easily test millio free of charge for 30 days. No credit card is required.

Log in to the Salesforce AppExchange with your Salesforce access data and download the free trial version via the "Get It Now" button. Install the app according to the instructions in our documentation and try out all the functions without any restrictions.

Once the 30-day period has elapsed, the trial version will simply expire.

4.2. How much does millio cost?

millio costs 140 € per user and month.

We want to keep it as simple and transparent as possible: There is one price for all features. Included is even one free hour of implementation in your system!

AND: You can cancel millio monthly. Your flexibility is important to us.

4.3. What does the buying process look like?

Once you have downloaded millio from the AppExchange, you will find the button "Manage Licenses" under "Configuration" in the app.

Click on the button to open your personal millio customer area. Here you will find all important information about your licenses and all billing information.

To buy millio licenses, all you have to do is enter your billing information in the customer area and give us a SEPA direct debit mandate.

The step-by-step process is also described here in our documentation.

4.4. I want to buy millio licenses, but I don't see the "Manage Licenses" button. Why?

If you do not see the "Manage Licenses" button, your 30-day trial period may have expired.

If you want to buy millio licenses some time after the trial period, contact us and we will give you access to the customer portal.

4.5. Can I subsequently book additional millio licenses for new employees?

Of course, you can easily add additional licenses.

In the millio app, you will find the "Manage Licenses" button under "Configuration". Clicking this button opens your personal customer area. Here you will find all important information about your millio licenses.

Here you will also find the button "Order a new user license". In the next step you can select the desired number of new user licenses. Afterwards you have the possibility to check your data and place your order. If you notice any errors at this point or if your billing address has changed, please contact us at

After the placement we will immediately release your licenses and you will receive an updated invoice by e-mail.

5. Security

5.1. My data is very sensitive. Is millio really safe?

You can be sure: We are absolutely aware of the sensitivity of your data and the protection of this data is our top priority. That's why we rely on the help of professionals: with the finAPI interface, your information is transmitted absolutely securely. finAPI itself belongs to the SCHUFA Group and is supervised by Bafin, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. You can find out more about finAPI here.

The finAPI interface is constantly being further developed with the highest security standards. Using REST API and SSL encryption, your data is encoded and forwarded to Salesforce with maximum security. In this way, they are optimally protected from access by third parties.

millio, on the other hand, forwards your information and orders exclusively at this point without storing your information.

5.2. What is finAPI?

finApi is a German company and is part of SCHUFA Holding AG. finAPI is a registered account information service and was also granted a licence to provide payment initiation services (ZAD) by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in 2019. finAPI provides millio with the interface for secure communication between your bank and Salesforce.

You can find out more about finAPI in our blog post here.

6. Help & Support

6.1. I have a problem with millio. Who can I contact?

If you have a problem with millio, you can contact us at any time by email at Or call us at +49 (0)89 / 120 850 21 and we will help you immediately!

6.2. How can I give my administrator or support employee access to my account?

To grant your admin or one of our support staff access to your account, you need to go to your profile in your Salesforce Org and open the profile settings. Here you search for "Grant Account Login Access" and can now grant the desired persons access to your account for a period of time of your choice.