Future Finance: What's important to be successful tomorrow

Future Finance: What's important to be successful tomorrow

The digital transformation is bringing with it a multitude of innovative technologies and new structures. In the world of finance, we are at the beginning of revolutionary changes driven by digitalization and an increasing flood of data. However, many companies still have some catching up to do when it comes to digitalization. In this article, you can find out what changes await you in the financial sector over the next few years and how you can prepare for them. 

The global increase in digital information is increasing the pressure on companies to act and the finance function in particular will have to adapt to these changes in order to remain successful and competitive. Digitalization has fundamentally changed the way we think about and manage finances. 

Automation and artificial intelligence 

So what should you pay attention to in order not to be swept away by the wave of digitalization, but to successfully use it to your advantage? A key process for the future of finance is automation. Many companies are already automating transactional processes like invoice verification. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Automated systems can take over repetitive tasks from accounting to risk management and reduce sources of error. This means more time for strategic decisions and creative solutions. By integrating automation into your financial processes, you increase your efficiency and ensure your competitiveness. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning also play a vital role: self-learning systems will be capable of handling complex tasks precisely and efficiently, taking over routine jobs. They enable us to extract valuable insights from large amounts of data, thereby helping to better manage risks, improve investment decisions, and even prevent financial fraud. The use of AI is therefore an unavoidable step in making your company fit for the future. 

The role of the finance function 

As digitalization progresses, the role of the finance function will undergo significant changes. The finance department of tomorrow is no longer just a guardian of numbers, but a strategic partner that drives the company forward through data-driven insights and innovative solutions. The traditional role of the finance department, primarily focused on accounting and reporting, will expand. In the future, financial experts are expected not only to provide data but also to interpret it and give strategic recommendations. Manual data processing will become obsolete due to automation processes, and the Chief Financial Officer will increasingly be responsible for managing the company's global data, a role known as Data Stewardship

Evolving Skills and Competencies in Finance 

As tasks evolve, so do the requirements for the skills and competencies of finance teams. With the digitization of the financial world, finance professionals must possess comprehensive technological skills. Understanding and applying FinTech solutions, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and data analysis tools are crucial for effectively shaping the finance function. In addition, a deeper knowledge of business processes and close collaboration with all departments is necessary to drive the company forward as a whole. 

Work organization 

The operating model of the financial organization will also change in the future. Employees will have to react quickly and dynamically to urgent issues. A future-proof work organization must break down hierarchies and establish a flat network of teams. Traditional finance professionals will become less important, while STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) roles will gain in relevance. Moreover, good “storytellers” are needed to present information and recommendations for action in a comprehensible way. 

 Supporting decision-making processes  

Thorough and detailed data analysis and visualization are essential for supporting decision-making processes. In the finance of the future, data analysis is the compass guiding companies through the complex landscape of the market. It enables financial experts to identify trends, assess risks and monitor performance. It is the core of decision-making and helps companies act proactively rather than reactively. 



The future of finance is exciting, full of challenges, but also rich in opportunities. Automation and artificial intelligence are no longer just buzzwords, but essential components of an efficient and future-oriented finance strategy. They offer the opportunity to optimize work processes, base decisions on solid data and transform the finance function into a strategic partner for the entire company. By using data and technology to your advantage, you can be successful not only today, but also in the future.

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